Believe you have a strong sense of inner resources that you can call upon and a clear sense of direction, that will help motivate you to take care of whatever is in your way. This is so much better than looking at every little imperfection.
Working with blocks in our path can bring out the best and the worst in us. We have habitual ways of reacting to circumstances through our mental and emotional habits. These habits were more than likely developed from our own family and culture. But there are times in our lives when we need to examine these and perhaps adapt them to our new situations and our new cultures.
We have all made choices in our lives and many of them have actually worked. We have changed a habit, made a move, developed a skill or learnt a better way of interacting. What makes a choice work? How do we know we are making the right choice at any given time? and what about when we make the wrong one?
Here are some interesting questions to consider before making that choice:
What is getting in my way?
What do I need to develop to deal with this?
What do I need in order to move through the blocks toward my potential?
What quality do I need most at this time in my life?
Paying attention to our inner and outer world can be enough to activate change without any further conscious action on our part. When we pay attention to what is going on within and around ourselves, we notice what is emerging, what is possible and what needs to happen, which prompts us to purposeful action.
Any meaningful activity in which we engage has a purpose. When purpose is clear our strong and skilful will can be brought to bear. We can be creative in accomplishing that purpose. Be mindful though as we can become caught up in the action itself, mistaking the means for the end, as in we forget why we are doing something and our actions become mechanical.
Making a statement of purpose is a really good thing to consider, e.g My purpose is to….
The response to the previous exercise on what do I need to develop is generally the statement of your purpose.
When you are happy with your statement of purpose it is then time to consider all the different courses of actions you could take, assessing resources and barriers and evaluating consequences.
You can consult with others and research what other people have done to gain different ideas and perspectives. But ultimately no one is a better authority regarding what is right for you than you yourself.
Choice and affirmation are close to the same thing. When we make a strong conscious choice and state it to ourselves we are affirming that choice. Affirmation is skilful will in action, gathering our emotions, imaginations, sensations, desires and thoughts behind our choice. It is so important to feel good about our choices. We need to take the time to experience the strength and joy that consciously choosing can bring.
All forms of affirmation, especially visualisation are most effective when they follow the kind of process that we have discussed. Then we can be more certain that our choice is indeed appropriate, harmonious and realistic.
As I stated above, believe you have a strong sense of inner resources that you can call upon. This will be your constant motivation.
Take Care,